X-626 Recirculating Water Pump House and Cooling Tower

Click on the thumbnails below to see a larger version of the picture.

The X-626 Recirculating Cooling Water System, Looking West at the Cooling Tower, January 1954.
The X-626 Recirculating Cooling Water System, Looking West at the Cooling Tower, February 1954.
The X-626 Recirculating Cooling Water System, Looking West at the Pump House, February 1954.
The X-626 Recirculating Cooling Water System, Looking West at the Cooling Tower, March 1954.
North Side of the X-626-2 Cooling Tower, August 2014, Facing Southeast.
South Side of the X-626-2 Cooling Tower, August 2014, Facing Northwest.
South Side of the X-626-2 Cooling Tower Facing North.
X-626-1 Recirculating Cooling Water Pumps.
X-626-1 Switchgear Room.
X-626-2 Cooling Tower Shut Down (Pictured L to R (Rick Robbins, Tammy Henry, Carl Faub, Scott Miller, Doug Davis, Dick Armstrong).
Aerial view of the X-626 Cooling Tower.
Aerial view of the X-626 Cooling Tower.

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